
This video was part of a duo I made, it turned out better than the other which was a short skit about Steve Jobbs. at one point I had 41,000 images of Jobbs' face on my hardrive from various sources. This video was made use DeepFaceLab, and ElevenLabs for their voice creation features.

This was my second deepfake, a better attempt than the original. It's part of what taught me that I need to tie my training data to my output. A lot of the visual distortions here are caused by angles that aren't beneficial to the model.

This is probably the worst of the bunch, unfortunately I got a completely wrong angle for the proportions that were meant to feature Jobbs specifically. I've left the deepfake on the PC portion of this video because it better showcases the deepfake. The blank piece of paper was meant to have the Apple monitor stand on it.